domingo, 31 de enero de 2016


Of course there are similarities between Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama. In fact the second one has recognised how decisive has been Mandela as an outstanding figure in their politics decisions.

For instance, the willingness to listen and to share credit, including in his administration policy rivals as Mandela did some years ago. Besides they have been, they are and they will be and essential part against racial segregation and hatred.

Another common aspect is self-control, considering all the options before to choose one and the resolution capacity in a relaxing way, trying to keep calm in crucials moments.

As a result, Obama is being doomed as Mandela's succesor in the XXI century.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016


     I could say that the first time I could appreciate a song (ashes to ashes) was by chance while I was watching a "Cuentame como pasó" chapter some years ago. Of course I knew who was since he had been one of the most well-known references in the 80's but until then I hadn't paid attention to him.

Since then I have been listening to his music in different moments in my life lately and the songs produce me a mix of feelings so I've felt very sad when I heard the news of his death.

Besides, I wanted to highlight the way of leave this world (Notice: It could be not real, just an invention on the internet)

  • Some close friends didn't know anything about he was battling a cancer.

  • He called to his friend Brian Eno and he said to him "thanks for the good moments". Also Eno didn't know about his condition.

  • The first song of his last album is called "Lazarus" and the lyrics say "Look up here, I'm in heaven"  

  • Finally, the last account in twitter followed by David was @TweetofGod

Just I wanted to pay a minuscule tribute to David Bowie.

P.S. The last album "Blackstar" is the first sleeve where he doesn't show his face.