miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016


To be honest, is so difficult to compress information about the Alhambra in some paragraphs. For that reason, I'm going to focus on the differences between cultures. Throughout history, The Alhambra has had different civilizations, which have left their marks.

On one hand, Muslims built the Alhambra giving it meaningful sense. Not only was the residence of the sultan, but also combine artistic and scientific disciplines through its walls, courtyards, ceilings and so on. Therefore, each and every little room is significant.

They taken into consideration mathematical laws related to proportions, simmetry,... including the golden aurea, Fedorov theory, among others. Besides, poetry and religion are present through poems and Coran verses. Even water and vegetation are not randomly located.

Conversely, the meaning given by Christians was presumptuous, especially the palace of Charles V. They wanted to show his powerful as a global power. At least, we should be very grateful, considering that they didn't demolish the Alhambra and its fabulous heritage.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016



Money is one of the most common areas of marital conflict. What's the reason? The concept of money.

People, in a general view, consider money as simply maths, but the concept of money hides a huge point, their own meaning from each one. So, what's mean that? Citizens have a different conception about what an euro is worth and where it should go.

Speaking with your partner about money's priorities is higly reccomended, the due to the fact that you would avoid coming disputes.

Dr Gottman suggets a very simple activity to discover in which point is the couple about this topic. Imagine your income were to increase right now by 20%, what would you do with the extra money?

Through this way, you can find out whether you and your couple have a similar conception.

Taking these points into consideration, I could say that the most important about money in a relationship is to work as a team.


In this point, I'm going to start with the conclusion.

Good sex is very much interrelated with intimate trust, friendship and conversations that create emotional connection.

Conversely, impersonal sex is more fun or what Dr Gottman calls “erotic activity not founded on emotional connection and adoration of the partner” because it doesn't involve the hard work of intimacy building.

So, this type of sex sounds the best, isn't it? I'm afraid not.

According to the writer, fun is not the point, the point (in commited) relationships is sharing the body, the mind and even the soul, which is not fun, in fact this is difficult and risky.

As a result, while personal sex is definitely work, it's so much better.

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016


    Nowadays there are a lot of ways to teach to our students, but these ones are consider like the learning cornerstone which are Direct Instruction, Inquiry based- learning and Cooperative learning.

But, before explaining them, is necessary to define method.So, as Miguel Ángel Delgado (1991) said, “Methods are the ways to reach the learning in our student, that is, to reach targets”

As a result, we can distinguish between two pespectives totally different: 

  • Teacher-centrered approach, which contains Direct Instruction
  • Student-centered approach which is composed by Inquiry-based learning and Cooperative learning.

Teacher-centered approach

Direct instruction
This term refers to the traditional teaching strategy that is based on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations. In that, teachers and professors are the sole supplier of knowledge and information. Direct instruction is effective in teaching basic and fundamental skills across all content areas.

As a result, the roles for a teacher in this method are:

  • Teacher as a Formal authority: They are in position of power and authority. Classroom and management styles are traditional and focus on rules and expectations.

  • Teachers as a Expert: Experts teachers are in possession of all knowledge and expertise within the classroom. In contrast, students are just receptors of knowledge and information.

  • Teachers as a Personal Model: They lead by example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information. In this teaching model, student learn throught observing and copying the teacher's process.

Student-centered approach
 Inquiry-based learning
Is a teaching method that focuses on student investigation and hands-on learning. In this method, the teacher’s primary role is that of a facilitator, providing guidance and support for students through the learning process. In that, students play an active and participatory role in their own learning process.

Cooperative learning
Cooperative Learning refers to a method of teaching and classroom management that emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community. This model fosters students’ academic and social growth and includes teaching techniques such as "Think-Pair-Share” and reciprocal teaching. This method focuses on the belief that students learn best when working with and learning from their peers.

The roles from both methods are:
  • Teacher as a Facilitator: Student learning loosely guided by the teacher, and is focused on fostering independence, hands-on learning and exploration.
  • Teacher as Delegator: Teachers act as a “resource” to students, answering questions and reviewing their progress as needed. Teachers play a pasive role in student's learning; students are active and engaged participants in their learning. The main goal of a Delegator is to foster a sesnse of autonomy in the learning process.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016


Throughout the last decade, the rise of people who have been tattooed is totally indeniable, being tattooing together with piercing the widespread type of body art. Although there are a lot of people that perceive tattoos and piercings as a novelty nowadays. In fact, both are an ancient art which come from our ancestors. So, are they just a passing fashion or, in contrast are they here to stay?

Firstly, if you had some doubts about having a tattoo or piercing, you should be sure making this decision. As a result, it is completely necessary to take into account some aspects before it is too late. For instance, there is a chance of getting infectious diseases like Hepatitis B, C or HIV. Moreover, piercings and tattoos are absolutely painful, for sure.

Secondly, it may become a problem in the future, especially if you have written the name of your girlfriend or boyfriend, due to the fact that tattoos are permanent. Needless to say, it may be an obstacle for getting a job, specifically in an executive position. Another point, let's not forget the day when you go to meet your parents in law.

Conversely, youngsters argue that tattoos and piercings are so trendy. They give you style and originality, standing out from the rest of citizens in a cool way. In addition, piercing and tattoo studios, these days, are cleaner and safer than some years ago, considering that labor inspection is frankly common in this field of activity.

Taking these points into consideration, I would say that piercings and tattoos are not really my cup of tea, actually I consider myself as a squeamish person and just thinking about tha
t, it could drive me mad.

domingo, 31 de enero de 2016


Of course there are similarities between Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama. In fact the second one has recognised how decisive has been Mandela as an outstanding figure in their politics decisions.

For instance, the willingness to listen and to share credit, including in his administration policy rivals as Mandela did some years ago. Besides they have been, they are and they will be and essential part against racial segregation and hatred.

Another common aspect is self-control, considering all the options before to choose one and the resolution capacity in a relaxing way, trying to keep calm in crucials moments.

As a result, Obama is being doomed as Mandela's succesor in the XXI century.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016


     I could say that the first time I could appreciate a song (ashes to ashes) was by chance while I was watching a "Cuentame como pasó" chapter some years ago. Of course I knew who was since he had been one of the most well-known references in the 80's but until then I hadn't paid attention to him.

Since then I have been listening to his music in different moments in my life lately and the songs produce me a mix of feelings so I've felt very sad when I heard the news of his death.

Besides, I wanted to highlight the way of leave this world (Notice: It could be not real, just an invention on the internet)

  • Some close friends didn't know anything about he was battling a cancer.

  • He called to his friend Brian Eno and he said to him "thanks for the good moments". Also Eno didn't know about his condition.

  • The first song of his last album is called "Lazarus" and the lyrics say "Look up here, I'm in heaven"  

  • Finally, the last account in twitter followed by David was @TweetofGod

Just I wanted to pay a minuscule tribute to David Bowie.

P.S. The last album "Blackstar" is the first sleeve where he doesn't show his face.